Gezocht: vrouwelijke ondernemers

vrouwelijke ondernemer

Gezocht: vrouwelijke ondernemers. Mijn vrouw Blanca organiseert binnenkort de gratis 4-weekse cursus Unleashed (engelstalig). Het start op 27 juli aanstaande.

Het is speciaal gericht om je pijn uit het verleden (door een trauma, nare familiesituatie, moeilijke culturele context) op te lossen en deze sh#t te gebruiken als kunstmest voor groei in je bedrijf. Maar ik laat haar zelf even aan het woord:

Hi I’m Blanca

The first chapter of my life was all about being a success in the masculine way. I was a succesful executive: the poster perfect girl of “Women to the Top”.

When my body and soul were tremendously hungry for the feminine, I quit my corporate career and dived into everything spiritual and emotional. It was a great choice as it allowed love and motherhood to enter my life.

Yet, my wallet was not very pleased. I became financially dependent on my husband. No matter how hard I worked and how much I learned, the very last second before success, I would sabotage myself for no apparent reason.

It was not until I worked on healing my inherited self-worth programming that my business started growing.  Now I’m paying it forward to other women just like me. And yes, you guessed it right. Their ability to allow money has increased as they reconcile with their past and align with their own hearts.

I am looking for female entrepreneurs. My free course will help you to dissolve your pain from the past and open up for more profit. Allow Abundance by Reconciling with Your Past.

Foto: vrouwelijke ondernemer via Shutterstock

Bertil Schaart

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